The Ancient Gods have returned!
Hymn to Montu
To Montu who is bold in battle, I offer my praise.
Montu, great of name in Thebes, warrior and wanderer,
lord of the city of the sun, friend of the soldier,
protector of the people, I honor you.
Yours is the scorching of the sands, the cracking of dirt
in the desert heat; yours is the blood on the field of war
that soaks into the soil; yours is the strength
behind necessity, that helps us in our struggles;
yours is the skill to live in harsh climes and barren lands;
yours is the will to survive. Wielder of weapons,
bull who bears the sun, the rage of the righteous
is in your realm, the courage of the valiant,
the spirit of those who fight against any odds,
all are sustained by you, O god; all are your gifts.
O Montu, renewer of courage and might, I pray to you.
The Shen
The shen Egypt
The Shen. The shen is a circle of rope, knotted, to form an
unbroken, circle symbolizing completeness, infinity, and serving as protection.
The name comes from the Egyptian word for 'encircle.