Classified: Jinn, god, Venerated : 1,300 BCE until modern times Associa...
Haubas the God of Contracts
Classified: Jinn, god,
Venerated : 1,300 BCE until modern times
Associated: Wishes, Contracts, debt
Literature references: The Guru Granth Sahib Sikhism . The
Avesta Zoroastrian
Haubus is depicted as a male human though having blue skin
and in most representations long pointed ears or a tale. He was associated with
travelers along the Incense Route.
The early myth of this Entity suggests that the first travel
along this route had exhausted all of his resources after taking this daring
venture and was ready to accept his own death. Haubus appeared and offer to save
their lives and guarantee them prosper in this trade route if he continued to
bring desperate people to him.
The trader accepted his offer and Haubus granted his wish.
He brought any who had lost the fortune or were facing difficult time before this
powerful Jinn.
But overtime the trader came to see that Haubus was taking
advantage of these desperate people that he sent to the Haubus.
He was also said to be an oracle and kings sent emissaries
for around the world to consult with him.
Haubus has amassed a
large fortune from his tribute as a Oracle and wish grantor. He employees to Hell
Hounds to guard his treasure.
While it is possible to negotiate a deal with Haubus, he is
fickle and moody and a mast trickster.