Name: Ymir


Known Aliases: The Frost King, The Sea Giant


Associated: The Sea

Culture: Germanic Norse Myth

Gender: Male

Classification: Giant

Element: Sea



Literature: The Prose Edda

Ymir as a primeval being who was born from venom that dripped from the icy rivers Elivagar and lived in the grassless void of Ginnungagap. is the ancestor of all jötnar.

Ymir birthed a male and female from the pits of his arms, and his legs together begat a six-headed being.


Ymir was slain by the gods Odin Vili and VE and his body was used as raw material for the creation of the world.  


They fashioned Earth from his flesh, from his blood the ocean, from his bones the mountains, from his hair the trees, from his brains the clouds, from his skull the heavens, and from his eyebrows the middle realm in which mankind lives,


The dwarfs were given life from his blood.