Nanaja the Voluptuous One
Nanaja goddess of sex and war
Classification: God
Cultures: Mesopotamian Babylonio Akkadian Fertility goddess.
Period of Worship : 3000 bce to roughly 800 BCE
Sacred Animal: the Hawk
Sacred Color: Blue
Sacred Stone Amethyst
Cult Centers: Lebanon, Syria, Iraq
Art references: the Stele of King Melispak II _circa
1186-1172 bce
She was venerated as a war goddess and was also known to the
Babylonians as Tasmetu.
) is the canonical name for a goddess worshipped by the
Sumerians and Akkadians, a deity who personified voluptuousness and sexuality,
and warfare. Her cult was large and was spread as far as Egypt, Syria, and
the Voluptuous One
The Land grant to Ḫunnubat-Nanaya kudurru is a stele of King
Meli-Shipak II (1186–1172 BCE). Nanaya, seated on a throne, is being presented
the daughter of the king, Ḫunnubat-Nanaya.
Uruk circle of gods, forming with An/Anum and Inanna/Ishtar
the dominant divine ‘Triad’.
Nanaja has taken many names over her long history. At times
she has been confused with Inanna, but in art reliefs the two are often shown