The Sunken Place - Modern Mythology #Myth #Lengend #Culture #GetOut
the Sunken Place is a trance-like, otherworld state where victims of hypnosis are trapped when
their bodies are taken over by invading hosts.
The Hypnosis initiated process centered on accessing the victims
subconscious using several observed techniques
Diversionary rhythm. In
this case being the infamous teacup
Relaxation technique
Relaxation is a common method used by therapists to make a
subject more open to suggestion.
Direct Suggestion
In conversational hypnosis, a direct suggestion is an
explicit command to perform a certain action.
“Sink into the floor.” As quoted in the film that introduced
the sunken place
Once the conscious mind is suppressed the victim is
subjected to a surgical process the will
suppress high brain function except for motor functions. A Foreign consciousness
is then surgically implanted and will override any remaining host consciousness
rendering, it caught in the sunken place
of its own mind.
The invading conscious will have almost total control of the
physical body and retain the subconscious were learned skills or talent reside.
The Term was introduced into modern culture in the 2017 Film
“Get out”.