Age: approximately 4 billion years old.
Hair: Blonde.
Eyes: Green.
Unusual Features : none.
Occupation: King
Martial Status: Married
Known Affiliations: The Aesir
Known Relatives: Hera (wife), Hercules (son)
Strength Class: 9.
Super Human Abilities: Jupiter possesses several superhuman abilities based on her highly evolved physiology . he is immune to disease and to regenerate damaged tissue making her virtually immortal.
Special Skills : Jupiter is a highly skilled master of the 5 common forces of the universe. He has shown the ability to establish telepathic bonds, influence gravity particles and fly at speeds in excess of the sound barrier in Earth atmosphere.
History: King of the gods; son of Saturn, brother to Neptune, Pluto and Juno (also her husband); god of sky and thunder; patron god of Rome