The Sopdet Star of Kemetic Beliefs Sirius B Canis Major
Sopdet Sirius Star Home of the Primordials
Sopdet or Sirius star as known in western civilization.. Is a star in the canis might Major constellation. It isalso the home of the Primordials and more specifically of the Enead who traveled to earth approximately 27000 years ago. Since that time Sopdet the star has remained extremely important to several Earth civilizations and cultures including the Kemet of ancient Africa, the Dogon and several other modern civilizations. Although identified by a western name and serious this is the same star that remains important to the Freemasons and other quasi religious groups. This star has always been regarded as the source of all knowledge the greatest source of all knowledge. This knowledge of course is represented in the accumulated works of the Primordials who were themselves perhaps the first sentient life-form to exist after the great expansion. They built the first cities and Interstellar kingdoms and eventually Master not only deep space travel but also interdimensional travel. They have had and maintain relationships with the Grigori as well as the Oirey Watchers. they were instrumental in seeding life on the Infant planet Earth. As well as helping man’s early culture develop civilization and Technologies necessary to sustain life on the planet.

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